Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Orientation, Skills and IVs

I am a week and a half into my job.  All last week was 8am-4:30pm of lectures, speakers, hospital orientation, reading skills on the computer...aka I WAS SITTING ALL WEEK!  I know all too soon I am going to be complaining about all the standing I am doing.  In any event, I have had an okay week and a half.  I am of course overwhelmed and feel like I retained zip from school.  Everyone says that's to be expected and normal.  Well, it makes me feel useless and leaves me in a panic!

I made a friend.  She is also on nights on my unit.  I have the comfort in knowing that I am not alone, which is wonderful.  We have similar stories as she also did an accelerated program.

Today, we did nursing skill competencies and learned more about hospital policy on tracheostomies and chest tubes.  Those both scare me like crazy.  The only other thing that really scares me that bad wold be anything cardiac related.  Hearts and lungs, two vital organs/functions, make me crazy nervous.  I have also learned who to call if I ever need help.  We are a little less staffed (read: very less staffed) with managers and such on night shift.  It was nice to know that I will never be all alone.  I know this, but to be reminded is always welcomed.  After skills, we got a crash course on IV insertion.  I even got to practice on a fake arm.  Basically, I am no better off than I was this morning!  What they tell us is we will be proficient if we practice.  We are told to let the nurses on our unit know what we haven't done, so we can do everything!  I sure hope I can handle all this.  I am already feeling the knots in my stomach.

I have tomorrow off!  Christmas shopping needs to happen!  I have nothing done!  I did stop twice after work for some new scrubs.  Merry Christmas to me! haha  We get to wear any style of scrubs, just in blue or white.  Did I mention that I love wearing scrubs.  It's basically like wearing my pajamas everyday!

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Job Accepted

I am an employed nurse!  I still can't believe it!  I am so unbelievably nervous, overwhelmed and really feel like I don't remember anything from school.  Sigh.

The shadow on Friday went well.  I was paired with a seasoned nurse who was very much into teaching and showing me around.  She included me in everything.  That part was fun.  It was also great to have zero responsibility, at least for a few hours.  I got a feel for the unit, and even more support about starting my nursing career on a med/surg unit.  The nurse was telling me just how much I will be exposed to and how much I will learn.  I wore scrubs, not professional attire, and sneakers.  I know I will be walking miles per shift, so I am going to have to get super comfy shoes.  I am not sure what yet; sneakers or Danskos.  I finally had my toe looked at and was diagnosed with arthritis.  I have two inserts to wear, so sneakers might be the way to go.

I started this post a week ago!  It is now the night before my first day at the hospital.  I am nervous, and thinking I won't sleep all that well tonight.  It's reminding me of the night before my first day of nursing school.  Although, I am pretty sure I was more nervous for school.  I know a little bit of what to expect this time AND I get paid!  Woo hoo!!

I am going to wrap this up.  I hope I sleep and continue to fight this stupid head cold.  I have spent that last few years of my life preparing for this job/career.  Now is the time to actually do it!  It's very overwhelming.  I don't think it has all sunk in yet.  Here goes nothing!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Job Offer

Well, my first interview has turned into a job offer!  What the what!?  I am full of mixed feelings.  Here they are in no particular order:
1. I am super excited to know (as my brother put it) I am hire-able!
2. In my opinion, the interview went well, and with the offer, I was reaffirmed that it went well!
3. I am terrified at the thought of being a nurse.
4.  I don't remember anything from school.
5. Do I take the job, or hold out for a job in the unit of my choice?
6. Don't be a diva.
7. Man-up and realize wherever my first job is, it will cause anxiety, stress, fear and I will be overwhelmed (thanks for the reminder Erin!)
8. How do I make this decision!?!?!?!?!

I spoke with someone in HR when I was given the offer.  I asked when I would have to give my answer.  I have a week to make the decision.  I also asked the nurse manager to shadow on the unit (which is this Friday) to get a feel for the unit and to help make my decision.  The nurse manager is so nice and seems very accommodating.  She also gave me directions to get to the unit, but also said I can just call her and she would come meet me so I won't get lost.  Perfect as I am always lost going to a new place!!  I will go at 7am on Friday to see the start of the day shift.  I am not sure what I am going to wear to shadow.  Scrubs?  Professional attire??  hmmmmm

The job is on a med/surg floor at a hospital very close to were I live (plus!).  I really didn't expect to work in med/surg, as I really want OB or at least peds, BUT I have to remember that I have to start somewhere, I will gain a lot of great experience, it's close to home and a great hospital.  I also have three resumes out there with some connections to different hospitals and I worry that if I take this job, all of a sudden, I could possibly have more interviews in units I would prefer.  On the other hand, none of them could pan out and I would be left with nothing!  Why are big decisions so hard to make!!?

I am going to meet up with my advisor to talk about my concerns.  I am hoping, as a seasoned nurse, she will have some great insight, perspective and give me some solid advice to make this decision.  It overwhelms me to think I could be starting a job soon.  I hope I don't cry! haha

I have talked about this decision with my sister, sister-in-law, brother, mom, dad, and of course my Erin.  They all have great advice, but obviously, only I can make this decision.  I have to remember to relax, take deep breaths and have confidence in myself, my abilities and all the hard work I have put in to get to this point.  I have spent years getting ready to have a career and one that I hope to excel at and love!  I am also remembering I have promised the first 14 months of paychecks to Erin ;)

I am sure my next post will be whether or not I accept this job...here is to a weekend of talking, breathing, stressing, pros/cons lists and probably freaking out! (Sorry Erin)

Thursday, November 13, 2014

First Interview

I have really dropped the ball with my blog!  I have been busy doing nothing!!  haha  I and trying to enjoy this in between time.  I know it will be a long, long time before I am ever in this spot again.  I am taking advantage by staying up late, watching reality tv, cooking, napping, hanging with my new sister-in-law, and trying to get back into the sport of running.  The goal is to run a 15k in April with Helene.

In other news, I now have the time to get things done I have been putting off.  This included FINALLY going to the doctor to have my big toe looked at.  I assumed I had arthritis and it seems I was right.  I had x-rays done earlier this week and the x-ray confirms what the doctor suspected.  Unfortunately, I need to follow-up with a podiatrist to rule out a possible fracture.  What the what?  I have no memory of hurting my foot/toe.  I have that appointment scheduled in two weeks.  In the meantime, I have a new pair of running shoes and I need to go get some inserts to wear to hopefully help the chronic pain I have in my toe.  Awesome.

This morning I also had my first nursing interview!!  I was, of course, so nervous.  I have known about this for a few weeks.  I went suit shopping with my parents and my aunt and uncle when they were all in town for Erik and Helene's wedding.  I have been going through practice questions.  I think Jackson is more prepared than me to go on nursing interviews ;)  He has been listening to me talk to myself the last few days.

This interview was for a hospital near me but for med-surg.  I wouldn't say I completely dislike med-surg, but it's not one of my top choices.  Of course, I start playing the what if game and causing unnecessary panic.  I need to take Erin's advice and to take everything as is comes and not play the what if game.  Deep breaths.  Overall, I think I had a very successful first interview.  I felt confident in my answers, I was given positive feedback and was some how able to keep my voice from cracking!  I think I will hear back sometime next week.

I have sent my resume out to a couple other contacts I have.  I am hoping something pans out from this as well.  If anything, I would like to practice interviewing some more :)  On the other hand, I would be ok with no more interviews!  They stress me out!

Friday, October 10, 2014


Well, just a quick little note.  I have submitted a few applications to some nearby (and not so nearby) hospitals.  I also made profiles and submitted my resume to a few hospitals too.  I will continue to job search.  I also have to send my resume to an OB I worked with briefly at the hospital I did my OB clinical.  I also have a contact with the hospital I did my leadership clinical (also in OB).  I am slightly hesitant about that spot just because the unit seemed so disorganized and chaotic while I was there.  But hey, it's a job, right!?  I will talk to Erin more about it and get her opinion.

In other news, Erin and I have a big weekend planned.  We are driving to our friend's salon, about 2 hours away for me to get a haircut!  Then I am babysitting the two year old twins I know that evening. :)  Sunday, we plan to go apple picking, hopefully with my brother and soon-to-be sister-in-law!  I can't wait for apple goodies and fresh apple juice!  Apple pies, applesauce, apple cookies, apple bread, the list is endless!!

Ok, I need to get my lazy butt up and take Jax for a walk.  He has been busy napping since 6:30 this morning, snoring away.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014


I really, really dislike working on my resume.  It makes me feel inadequate and question what I have really done these past 33 years!  I can sum up my accomplishments on a single page of paper.  Awesome.

I have sent my revised resume to my brother and made corrections.  I then sent my revised, revised resume to my advisor, to get a nursing opinion.  I then made revisions to those revisions and just sent it back to her for a second look.  Whew!

In other news, I was able to shadow the nurse practitioner on Monday.  We saw so many patients I lost count!  It was great to see the role of a NP in action.  She was great an included me in just about everything.  I also saw first hand how the paper work is just as involved as a floor nurse, just a very different approach.  We were BUSY all day.  I was able to leave after she saw her last patient (8 hours in).  She had a couple hours of paper work to finish, but told me to head out to hopefully beat rush hour traffic.  I went head first into rush hour traffic.  No biggie, especially since I had the next few days to myself!

Tomorrow, I get to head back to watch a surgery.  I won't be in the OR, but rather in a conference room watching a live video of a surgery.  Pretty cool!  This means I can most likely be sitting and not have to wear OR scrubs and a surgical mask ;)  I am completely OK with that!  I will have to rush out of there at the end of the surgery as I have to pack and get ready for a little trip I am going on this weekend!  I am heading to Kentucky super early Friday morning to head to my cousins house.  I was asked to be the godmother of my sweet little cousin.  The baptism is this Sunday.  I will get to see my parents too!  Speaking of which, I need to go get some laundry started and maybe begin to start the process of packing.  Did I mention I hate packing!?

Friday, September 26, 2014

One Week Later

This morning, I was taken back to a week ago.  I am so beyond thankful I passed NCLEX and do not have that awful nervous/anxious/panic feeling anymore.  That was brutal.  But, I somehow made it through!  Pretty sure you couldn't pay me to go back and relive any of that!

This pretty much sums up my thoughts about nursing school and NCLEX...

Next big thing is finding a job.  Of course I am already nervous about the idea of interviews and then actually being a nurse!  I am excited to see where I end up AND to have an income again!

Here area  few other fun pics I have found along the way, so so so glad they are applicable to me now!

I joke with Erin that the one main thing we both learned on this long journey...Katie does NOT handle stress well.  Sorry babes, I know I have been very difficult to live with.  It can only get better, right!?